See how Since 2007, we’ve made it easy for institutions of education, healthcare, and cultural and social service to tell stories with purpose.
Since 2007, we’ve made it easy for institutions of education, healthcare, and cultural and social service to tell stories with purpose.
Embryo came to us with a big idea and they delivered.Name ”
If you don't have a concept, you don't have a video. Your concept is what hooks your audience and keeps them watching. It’s what drives the action and the edit. It’s what separates the memorable from the mundane.
Boston University: Our Next President
Embryo guided us through every step of production.Name ”
The perfect shot is useless without purpose. Everything you film must drive your message forward—from the location to the set design to the performances. In visual storytelling, the details really do matter.
Museum of Science: Give
Giving Day
Embryo delivers on-time and on-message.Name ”
The more relevant you are, the more engaged your audience. It doesn’t matter what we think. It doesn’t even matter what you think. What matters is what your audience thinks. And that’s what should drive every decision in editing.
We have the skills you need to wow your audience.
Musuem of Science: Pi!
Gala Event
Hebrew Senior Life: Changing how we age
Gala Event
CE Floyd: Teamwork
Musuem of Science: Thanks
Caltech: Understanding AI
The Edinburg Center: Diversity
Mount Auburn Hospital: Emergency
Boston Fire Department: The Recruits
Wheaton College: Rose
JF&CS: Izzy
Issue Advocacy
Boston University: MLK & Howard Thurman
Capital Campaign
Embryo doesn’t over promise and under deliver.Name ”
Nothing is more frustrating than losing a few seconds of your day on video that’s too long. Or worse, irrelevant. We live in an era where everyone is competing for an ever-shrinking share of limited attention spans. When you dazzle your audience, they’ll reward you with their precious time.
Embryo’s diligent, yet patient, way of working set us at ease.Name ”
You have a business objective. Your video needs to drive clicks or gifts. It needs to inspire or inform. It needs to motivate your audience to act. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Embryo is definitely worth the investment.Name ”
There's no waste here. No pointless meetings. No surprise expenses. The same people who develop the idea are the ones who bring that vision to life. You work side by side with the creative team. There's no layers. No filter. Just great work from top-talent at a surprising value.
As graduate students in 2007, we launched our firm with no clients, no network, and no experience. But we had drive and a dream. And a decade later, we’ve become a thriving firm that follows three simple rules—keep small; keep nimble; keep striving. We’re storytellers that studied advertising, marketers who worked in journalism, filmmakers who draw, and writers that paint. We know how to tell stories that move people.
We're not looking to unseat your agency or usurp your in-house team. We're not here to muscle out your freelancers. We're here to tackle the communication problems facing your business that no one can seem to fix. We solve creative problems that need expertise and expedience, but not a lot of overhead. We're right for the projects that dog you quarter after quarter. The ones you know have long term consequences for your future success, but that have no simple solution. We're the team that helps you go from "impossible" to done.
We’ve found that the most engaging videos are grounded in strong storytelling: they have characters, narrative rhythms, conflict, and resolution. They are experiential and emotional, rich and textured. They have a viewpoint, but not an agenda. They don’t sell viewers on your greatness, but show them your greatness. It's not easy to tell these kinds of stories. You need the creativity of an advertising agency, the soul of a filmmaker, and the skills of a production house. In other words, you need us.